Winter and skin: Naticol® and water to replenish and rehydrate

Winter is a critical season for the skin. With its cold temperatures, low humidity and wind, these together affect the skin, leaving it dry and chapped, which unfortunately does not help skin aging. For example the epidermis thins, cell renewal slows down, and collagen is lost or damaged.

Naticol® is a high-quality source of natural fish collagen peptides, clinically researched for skin support. One clinical study using 5g of Naticol® ingested on a daily basis, for 8 weeks, demonstrated that, regular intake of Naticol® fish collagen peptides improved skin firmness while also indicating preventive effects of Naticol® on skin dehydration, due to cold weather conditions1. Skin benefits were also achieved with a lower dose, in another study using 2.5g of Naticol® per day2.

Did you know?  Even when the temperatures drop, your water consumption should be at least 1.5 liters per day. This is a great opportunity to make your move into “Beauty from within” and offer innovative applications, such us functional beverages and water with Naticol®. Thanks to the great organoleptic properties of Naticol®’s high quality grades HPMG and BPMG, dispersability, odour and taste when adding collagen to liquids or ready to drink sachets is not a challenge but an opportunity.

Visit our dedicated Naticol® Page to learn more and contact us for an offer.



(1) Duteil L, Queille-Rousel C, Maubert Y, Esdaile J, Bruno-Bonnet C, Lacour J-P: Specific Natural Bioactive Type I Collagen Peptides Intake Reverse Skin Aging Signs in Mature Women.The Journal of Aging Research and Clinical Practice; Volume 5, Number 2, 2016

(2) Duteil L., Queille-Roussel C., Bruno-Bonnet C. and Lacour J-P.:Effect of Low Dose Type I Fish Collagen Peptides Combined or not with Silicon on Skin Aging Signs in Mature Women.Juniper Publishers 2018. Volume 6 Issue 4